Dimitri Karakostas / Toronto, Ontario

Portfolio / Tumblr / Flickr / Blood of the Young Zine / dimitrikarakostas@gmail.com

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Poor Shape Volume 1

This zine is a (mostly) writing split between Bee Shepherd and I. 24 pages, lasered, 4 different covers, hand-written notes inside cover. I would describe this zine as being born out of desperation, and I think it's probably one of my favorite zines i've ever made.

You can download the PDF version here, or buy a physical copy of labor and love here.

If you run a distro/store/zine fair/whatever, we're interested in maybe having this stocked? Write? Troubled? We want you to be a part of volume two! Get in touch with us: poor.shape.zine@gmail.com.

True love forever,

Monday, April 19, 2010

i can't keep up

out of step with the world

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several photos from several days
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i wish these photos were more telling of what actually happened. i saw this guy with his dog in his backpack zooming down dundas at dovercourt. i hopped on my bike, booking it as close to him as i could while shuffling in my backpack for my camera. daytime traffic, construction, and i was on my fixed. this was so great in real life.
