Dimitri Karakostas / Toronto, Ontario

Portfolio / Tumblr / Flickr / Blood of the Young Zine / dimitrikarakostas@gmail.com

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Exteens book

So, Exteens is all printed and beautiful and everything and I want you to have one. It's a collab between Dave Geeting, T. Reilly Hodgson, Hannah Myall, and myself. It consists of 36 prints (9 per artist), and it's just... gorgeous, I don't know what else to say. It is in a small edition of 40, and about half have already been picked up in the preorder, so maybe you should jump on this!

They are $25+shipping, and come with other goodies, however i'd rather just sell them to you in person. Email me for more info coveredinfrogs@hotmail.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quite right! I like this idea, I completely with you agree.