Dimitri Karakostas / Toronto, Ontario

Portfolio / Tumblr / Flickr / Blood of the Young Zine / dimitrikarakostas@gmail.com

Friday, January 8, 2010

not hearing a word

a b
sor(e) bed
or eyebrows
or somebody else's seconds should-have-been already
winding up our own soul coughs all night
and hasn't slept in days

my other half is 2xdoubled me or squared
no lips split from exclusive mouth breathing
no contagiousness or "wake up!" no more glasses, EVER

guilt or knit projecting always
feeling like it's the end of ending it all minding
your own knees, grinding
or knocked
or are my shoulders a too moderate climate for your taste?


Anonymous said...

i like the way your words are arranged

dimitri hey!! said...

your words are appreciated.